Confidential Consultancy
At the heart of Crown Media's work
Our primary area of expertise is in media training and simulation. Confidential consultancy is often a key factor in clarifying a client’s issues and identifying the most effective training and simulation solutions to meet their needs. However, we have a pool of very experienced communications and media specialists and they can also provide wider advice on solving communication issues or refining procedures.
Confidentiality is critical to advise and consult effectively. All our specialists are selected for their expertise, their proven training ability and their discretion. Our personnel are covered by individual confidentiality agreements. All have signed the Official Secrets Act and many of our people are NATO and UK security cleared.
When we support a client during a training event or with media simulation to add realism to their exercise, confidentiality is paramount. A client will be practising and validating their team and systems to ensure they are prepared. While their worst crisis will probably never happen, they have to be confident their sensitive issues will remain confidential. Our trained professionals and closed simulation systems ensures that happens.
Sound advice and guidance from experts
“Crown Media are much more than media specialists. They are planners who understand the rules and regulations of media simulation and are fully integrated into any Exercise Control Team.“
Lt Col Stephan Wessel, 1 Panzer Division
Who we work with
We are the world leader in the unique world of military media simulation. We also train soldiers of all ranks on how to engage with the media.
We’ve worked on media training and simulation at Government COBRA level through to regional 999 services.
Our corporate media training services provide a comprehensive and tailored approach to sharpening your team's communication skills.
We have extensive experience in media training and simulation, with a strong emphasis on collaborating with charitable and non-governmental organizations.
Consultancy Case Studies
Tapping in to our wide base of expert knowledge
Professionals who have worked widely across the media and public relations develop the ability to ‘call a story’.
In simple terms this means they can look at any event current, being planned or which you anticipate happening and make a shrewd judgement regarding whether it will be picked up by the media, how it will be reported, how long it will run for, and the impact that it will have with the general public. That is not a skill that can be taught in a short course. It takes a number of years to develop such expertise and this is one of the capabilities that our teams bring to assist you.
This has implications at a number of different levels. When designing an exercise it can inform your choice of serials and how they should be played to impact the exercise realistically. It also allows them to make quick assessments of the skill sets your team bring to the process and where there are gaps in your awareness.
We regularly find ourselves pointing at a plan or event and saying ‘Do you understand how that will play with the media and the public?”. Frequently the client we are assisting is unaware, or too close to the issue to recognise the problem.
This kind of expertise as well as informing the design of simulation and training to maximise the training value can be enormously helpful to clients in assisting them to improve their capabilitiy in the handling of off the wall issues and crises.
This is part of the mix which explains why we so regularly help organisations and individuals in all walks of life prepare for critical emergencies. We specialise in identifying tricky issues and helping to reach solutions and develop structures for handling tough issues. Our advice will always be easy to understand, realistic and relevant.
“I highly recommend the services provided by the Crown Media team for future exercises. Their professionalism and demonstrated expertise were exceptional.“
Lt Col Jeff Brizek, Rapid Reaction Corps-FranceO
Our core services
Crown Media is the world leader in training through simulated media.
Complete, inclusive and discreet media training solutions.
Confidential consultancy, advice and guidance from experts.
Fast, effective and confidential filming and production.